Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset & Key to Success
Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success
Your Positive, Emotional, and Spiritual Intelligence Pay Great Dividends

Your Positive, Emotional, and Spiritual Intelligence Pay Great Dividends

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Imagine a world where we all use our emotional, positive, and spiritual intelligences to create the life we would all like to live. In this episode of Emotional Intelligence: Your 
Greatest Asset and Key to Success,  I explore how understanding and integrating these three types of intelligence can help you become a happier person, a more effective leader, and a person who has so much good to contribute to the world. 

If you've been paying any attention to the trends in "intelligence" lately, you'll know that smarts and college degrees and such just aren't "all that" anymore. People who possess the big three, as I call them--EQ, PQ, and SQ--have demonstrated that they are better leaders, more resilient, and frankly, the kind of people that others want to be around. And guess what? We can *learn* these skills just as we would any other kind of intelligence. Sure, there is aptitude, but the truth of the matter is that if we want to become better people, we need to be self-aware, intuitive, and guided by the Source within us that is love, goodness, and compassion. Most, if not all people say that they want their lives to *mean* something. We seek connection, meaning, truth. Spiritual Intelligence gives us that.

I also discuss the ten saboteurs that might be silently undermining your potential, from the harsh inner judge to the relentless people pleaser. Learn practical strategies to counter these negative forces by shifting to your brain's sage mode, where empathy, curiosity, and positive action reside, along with that still small voice that guides you to a path of wholeness, love, and self-compassion. As we examine the growing trend of people identifying as spiritual but not religious, you'll see how spiritual intelligence can guide you toward a more authentic life. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into developing these vital intelligences—emotional, positive, and spiritual—to enhance your everyday interactions and overall fulfillment. Engage with our community by sharing your thoughts, and join me at the PQ Gym for ongoing support and enriching insights.

Show Notes:
Spiritual Intelligence: The Ultimate Intelligence, by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, Bloomsbury Paperbacks, 2001

Pew Research Report on Spirituality Among Americans

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Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset & Key to Success
Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success
This content centers on the value of Emotional Intelligence, which is both a mindset and an approach to life that regards problems as situations that help you learn and grow; it is a way of living that creates and sustains happiness and well-being.